Cefaclor Brand Sale

Ceclor Rezeptfrei Kaufen
Ceclor is a semisynthetic medication that belongs to antibiotics group and can be taken in cases when meningitis, skin infections, UTIs, tonsillitis and others occur.
250mg 500mg
120,90,60,30, Pills
Ceftin Rezeptfrei Kaufen
Ceftin is a widely applied representative of antibiotics family and can be used in situations when adult patients or kids are infected with tonsillitis, pharyngitis etc.
125mg 250mg 500mg
60,32,24, Pills
Trecator-SC Rezeptfrei Kaufen
Trecator-SC is an effective antibiotic that is used for Tuberculosis treatment and functions by preventing the growth of harmful bacteria that cause the infection.
180,120,90,60,30, Pills
Cleocin Rezeptfrei Kaufen
Cleocin is an antibiotic that is prescribed to treat severe infections resulted from by susceptible anaerobic bacteria, streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci and others.
150mg 300mg
240,180,120,90,60,30, Pills
Tinidazole Rezeptfrei Kaufen
Tinidazole is a synthetic antibacterial and antiprotozoal agent that is used for treatment of trichomoniasis, giardiasis, amebiasis, bacterial vaginosis and other related infections.
180,120,90,60, Pills
Suprax Rezeptfrei Kaufen
The range of infections that can be treated with antibiotic named Suprax covers otitis media, pneumonia, UTIs, strep throat, Lyme disease, gonorrhea and others.
100mg 200mg
60,40,30,20, Pills
Zithromax Rezeptfrei Kaufen
Zithromax belongs to macrolide antibacterial medications, treats moderate to mild infections resulted from susceptible strains of certain bacteria.
100mg 250mg 500mg
270,180,120,90,60,30, Pills
Diflucan Rezeptfrei Kaufen
Diflucan represents a new type of synthetic version of triazole. It belongs to antifungal agents and comes in a tablet form as well as powder, which is used for oral suspension.
100mg 150mg 200mg 50mg
180,120,90,60,30, Pills
Minocin Rezeptfrei Kaufen
(Minocycline hydrochloride)
The antibiotic named Minocin is applicable to treat bacterial infections, such as typhus fever, Q fever, tick fever, RTIs, trachoma conjunctivitis, cholera and many others.
100mg 50mg
45,30, Pills
Macrobid Rezeptfrei Kaufen
(nitrofurantoin monohydrate)
Macrobid is a highly effective antibiotic medicine that acts on bacteria by inhibiting the synthesis in cell walls and killing the infection.
100mg 50mg
180,120, Pills
Lincocin Rezeptfrei Kaufen
Lincocin is generally used for treatment of adverse infections resulted from the activity of such bacteria as pneumococci, streptococci, and staphylococci.
90,60,30, Pills
Ampicillin Rezeptfrei Kaufen
250mg 500mg
270,180,120,90,60,30,20, Pills